Thursday, March 5, 2020

Inspiring a Love of Math in Your Children

Inspiring a Love of Math in Your Children Inspiring a Love of Math in Your Children “When am I ever going to use math?” Have you ever heard these words from your children?  Struggling  students or even  children  with minimal math anxiety can become frustrated with complex math problems and quickly give in  to the notion that they will never use math in real life situations.   While some kids may fuss about math and daily practice, it’s important that they know that math is all around us.  In fact, math is so ingrained in our daily life, that sometimes  we use  math without even realizing it.  From telling time to calculating a tip to shopping at the grocery store, we are constantly faced with math problems to solve.     Add to that the fact that math plays a pivotal role in getting into college, no matter the desired career path. Performing well on standardized tests helps  students gain admission to their  university of choice and allows  them the most opportunities for career development.   Do you ever struggle communicating  the importance of a strong foundation in math to your children?  Use the infographic below  to help your children tap into a greater appreciation of math.     (View Full Sized Image)     Helping children realize that math plays an important role in our daily lives may be the first step to alleviating their math  anxiety and inspiring a love of learning. Being good at math can open many doors later in life.  Find more great math tips here. You might also be interested in: Fear of math word problems? Why developing reading ability may be the solution to help your child. This Young Kumon Student Learned To Love New Challenges in Math Common Core and School Math The Perception of Math: Venus vs. Mars Inspiring a Love of Math in Your Children Inspiring a Love of Math in Your Children “When am I ever going to use math?” Have you ever heard these words from your children?  Struggling  students or even  children  with minimal math anxiety can become frustrated with complex math problems and quickly give in  to the notion that they will never use math in real life situations.   While some kids may fuss about math and daily practice, it’s important that they know that math is all around us.  In fact, math is so ingrained in our daily life, that sometimes  we use  math without even realizing it.  From telling time to calculating a tip to shopping at the grocery store, we are constantly faced with math problems to solve.     Add to that the fact that math plays a pivotal role in getting into college, no matter the desired career path. Performing well on standardized tests helps  students gain admission to their  university of choice and allows  them the most opportunities for career development.   Do you ever struggle communicating  the importance of a strong foundation in math to your children?  Use the infographic below  to help your children tap into a greater appreciation of math.     (View Full Sized Image)     Helping children realize that math plays an important role in our daily lives may be the first step to alleviating their math  anxiety and inspiring a love of learning. Being good at math can open many doors later in life.  Find more great math tips here. You might also be interested in: Fear of math word problems? Why developing reading ability may be the solution to help your child. This Young Kumon Student Learned To Love New Challenges in Math Common Core and School Math The Perception of Math: Venus vs. Mars

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